
Saturday, April 5, 2014

A day in my life

Update on my life, I mean my Gastroparesis:

Since my last post - Charles and I go to the gym 3 times a week.  I am building my strength in my arms and legs.  I continue to ride the stationary bike and have now added the elliptical to my routine. This is going good.

In January I started with my fainting spells on a regular basis.  I went to the primary care, cardiologist, electrologist, and back to the primary care.  I am an interesting case to them.  I also believe that they think that I am lying about symptoms.  Not sure why because I hardly ever complain and if I feel that I am sick enough to go to the Dr. then something is wrong.

The good news is my heart and the plumbing to my heart are in perfect condition.  I can exercise and that will do the body good.

I have been diagnosed with syncope episodes that means my heart rate drops to low and I pass out.  In the beginning it was only happening in the morning getting ready for work.  Now it happens all day long and their is no trigger to it.  The cardo wanted a pacemaker put in, the electrologist said no - doesn't sound like anything that a pacemaker would help with.  So they put in a Loop Heart recorder on March 25, 2014.  I have had one episode since and when the Dr read the results - he was scared and now wants a pacemaker put in.  Really?  Did you think that I was lying to you?

He sent me back to the primary care to take care of the rest of the symptoms.  It is now thought that I have Autonomic neuropathy due to the surgery.  Basically what this is my nerves are damaged or paralyzed and do not send the signals to my brain to tell them to function correctly.

My symptoms are:
Autonomic neuropathy - nerves don't work and bodily functions are affected.  Autonomic neuropahty
Sjogren's Syndrome - dry eyes and no saliva.  Read about Sjogren's 

Other symptoms including dizziness and fainting, digesting food, sweating abnormalities, exercise intolerance.  Since I cannot regulate my body temperature I have to be careful where I am and what I am doing.  I am either hot or cold but very seldom am just right.

There is no cure for this but you learn to live with the symptoms and control your environment.  They will be putting in a pacemaker soon to control the heart (because you have to have your heart to live) but the other stuff -- I will have to adjust to the symptoms.

Other things in my life:

My husband's health has improved greatly.  He no longer requires the insulin pump -- he takes Victosa once a day and his sugar stays between 60 to 120.  He has lost 76 pounds since November 2013.  Like I said earlier we go to the gym 3 times a week together and he goes an additional 2-3 times.  We have switched to a paleo  free diet (basically a lot of veggies and white meat and no processed foods.)

Charles' brother, Tim, had an overdose of heroin on March 7, 2014, and Charles removed the life support on March 10, 2014.  Tim passed away 10 minutes later.  Charles' family has been recovering from this -- it has not been easy on any of them.

Eli has moved into his own place closer to his two jobs in Melbourne, Florida.  Eli is working at Sears and Home Depot and finding living on his own different.  Keep him in your prayers.

Charles, Eli, and Myself (along with my sister and brother-in-law) will be traveling to Springfield, Missouri the week of April 27 to celebrate Stephen's accomplishments of graduating college.  He will be graduating from Evangel University with a Mathematics Degree with a Chemistry concentration.  Stephen will be moving to the Dallas Texas area after graduation to pursue his next college step -- Medical School.  Stephen wants to be a orthopedic surgeon.

Final thoughts:

I have health issues, I work full-time, and take care of my family.  God has His hand on my life and my families lives.  When God takes you through something, He carries you until you can walk on your own.  My faith has not changed.  I know what I am called to do and my health is not going to hold me back from accomplishing these things in my life.

At our church I am ministering in the way of fundraising.  I am involved with helping the various groups at church raise money through a monthly flea market.  The second Saturday of the month a person can purchase a spot on our church parking lot to sell your stuff.  The church has a concession stand as well.  I am working with several other areas of fundraising to bring women together to have a bonding time and learn new things.  I am really excited about this next stage in life.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Dawn, and your husband ... your whole family. It's encouraging to know after all you have gone through, continue to work through, your faith, kindness, determination ... do not falter. May more happy times come your way now and always.
