
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Troubles with the Tube

God is a great and when you are going through things -- you must look up to Him for guidance.  I have problems with my tube and the I.R. Dr. needs to look at my tube (which can't be done until Monday or Tuesday.)

My week of January 21 started out with my Mic-key G/J coming dislodged and was falling out.  I talked with Shands I.R department and they wanted me to come on Tuesday afternoon to have the tube replaced.  I was really busy at work that week and couldn't do it.  I taped the tube in place and worked all week.  I called my G.I doctor and he set me up with the local I.R. doctor at Parrish Medical Center.

I was scheduled to have the tube replaced by Dr. Flynn on Thursday afternoon on January 30, 2014.  They preped me just like Shands did for the procedure.  Now remember at Shands it is an all day procedure with lots of vomiting and nausea.  Charles and I were in for the long haul.  I was taken back at 9:00 am, Dr. Flynn gave me a shot in the stoma (much like a tooth procedure) and was walking out of the hospital at 9:45 am.  No sickness, no IV's, nothing!  I was so happy!

Unfortunately, I cannot have the short Mic-key tube, I have to have the long tube.  I know that tube works and I am ok with that.


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